Pose covariances after nonlinear transformation; ellipsoid + sample representation


Pose covariances after nonlinear transformation; ellipsoid + sample representation


NLCT is short for Non-Linear Covariance Transform library. It is a fast and lightweight library written in C++ to:

  • convert the covariance matrices for poses between different representations: Quaternions, Euler Angle (both fixed and moving frames)
  • compute the composition of multiple certain and uncertain poses
  • transform the covariance of a pose from one coordinate frame into another

For all functions the user can choose the computation method: UNSCENTED, JACOBIAN, SAMPLING. The computation methods are a trade-off between accuracy and computation speed. The library includes functions for normalization, representation conversion and pose transformation (like composition, inversion etc.).

Sebastian Brunner
Senior Software Engineer, Robotics

My research interests include robotics, AI, and autonomous system architectures.